Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Inevitable

A year that was predicted as end of the world, turned out to be a troll. And this showed us that nothing is ever predictable.
Nor is death.

This year has been really rough. Filled with the demise of many near and dear ones. Some things in life cannot be questioned nor answered. And death reinforces that. It surprises me on how the demise of people we hardly knew, can also shake us deeply.

Yes, we always assume everything happens for a reason. But how can we accept the ever increasing rates of
corruption,murder,rapes and kidnapping.?? 

In a positive way, people who have left us behind are in a better place now than this World .

They have given us memories to cherish.

Every new Beginning comes from another beginning's end.

So let us look forward to a better year this time :)